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What is the development trend of agricultural machinery sales?

It’s been 26 years since I started this line at home, and I’m getting more and more confused. Starting from the grandfather's generation at the agricultural machinery station, the sales of store accessories can now cover 80% of the county.
The store is the agricultural machinery parts sales department, all kinds of accessories are sold, according to the situation, a little bit transferred from the small drag to the harvester rotary tiller accessories.
The main confusing questions are:
1. The accessories are dazzling, relying on the original purchase and sale of goods, all of which are solved by manpower. The variety of prices can not be remembered in the head. Is there any way to solve this problem? (Computer management software is also used, but there is no Ways to scan the code like a supermarket)
2. Confusion is always on the sale of accessories or to sell one or two well-known agricultural machinery equipment, just like selling a car, in the end is to sell accessories or sell a whole car? If there is a recommendation for agricultural machinery, what good brand?
3. Although it is selling agricultural machinery, but in the end is still doing service industry, then how to improve the service of this agricultural machinery, is there any precedent for learning?
4. The ancestors are all farmers, or they hope that the farmers can spend money to buy good things. If you have any better suggestions, we are willing to try to learn.


Compared with the subject, my time in the agricultural machinery industry is relatively short. Talk about personal opinions.
I have been manufacturing from the agricultural machinery and the agricultural machinery business. I met a lot of family-owned agricultural machinery dealers like the title owner, starting from the accessories and growing step by step. Personally, I believe that the experience of parts distribution has been very helpful for the distribution of tractors and agricultural implements in the future, because I have mastered some customer resources and customer information, and know the approximate time of customer demand and product change. It is much better than the general dealer's wide-spreading tactics.
Through the accessories, it is possible to deepen the relationship with the production enterprises, and it is also helpful to do their whole machine distribution in the later stage.
The question of the subject,
1. a large number of accessories In fact, it is possible to do classification, labeling, and scanning code through management software. Mainly due to the relatively large amount of work in the early stage. The accessories business is almost non-stop for a year. To do this, you will definitely need to complete the inventory, which may delay normal sales. However, after doing so, it will save a lot of trouble.
2. from the distribution of parts distribution machine is a trend. And you already have customer resources in your hand, and it will be more convenient to do. Of course, it is still necessary to combine the needs of the local market with the funds of the company to choose carefully. It may be good to start from the secondary dealers of other big companies, that is, the profit is thin, and it is good to enter the state slowly. The whole machine sales are much more complicated than the parts distribution. Pricing, opening, subsidy procedures, after-sales service, etc., all require a lot of manpower. As for what brand is good, the subject did not say where he is, I am not very good to answer, taking Qiqihar in my case as an example, local farmers will be more inclined to choose domestic brands, including main engines, harvesters and agricultural machinery. Cheap, the price of accessories is low, but the quality is uneven. Most of the farmer users choose to import big brands, Deere, Case. The quality is stable, but the price of the whole machine and accessories are relatively high. In order to upgrade the private label, some models have accumulated subsidies, but the farmer is mainly based on imported brands.
3. doing agricultural machinery is the service, the subject of the idea is clear. Personally think that you can establish clear information of customers, through SMS, WeChat, etc. Before use, in use, after use, send customers some practical tips and maintenance knowledge. For large customers to do 24-hour on-site service, free host, agricultural machinery maintenance services and so on.
4. I refused at the beginning of the agricultural machinery. I always felt very low. Now I have been working hard in the agricultural machinery industry for a few years, and I gradually began to like it. I think this is a business that can be done as a career. Let farmers use equipment that is reasonably priced and of good quality. Mechanized operations reduce labor costs and maximize crop profit. Contribute to the national agricultural mechanization.
Sharing with farmers.


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